How To Use
- Contains the best deals, the trending and recent products.
- The Home page contains the menu that takes you to sign up and see all the products
- Sign Up: To register for an account, we require you to supply us with your email address, or other information needed to contact you online and over the phone.
- Log in: To log in into the application as your profile.
- User can edit his own profile, change password, deactivate his account and logout.
- This Section contains all the products.
- Each product has multi pictures, a full description, share button, favorite button, and add to cart button.
Our Categories
- All the products are divided into categories, users can enter each category to see its products.
My Cart
- Users can find the products that they want to order with the number of items. Users can delete items from their cart. Also, Users can checkout, enter billing details with a full description of the address, and confirm to place the order
Our Partners
- Contains all the partners that provide discounts